Disability Services

A person with a disability is any person who:

  • has a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more life activities including walking, talking, seeing, hearing, breathing, learning, and working
  • has a record of such an impairment
  • is regarded as having such impairments

Some common disabilities are:

  • Hearing and Visual Impairments
  • Psychiatric/Psychological Disabilities
  • Specific Learning Disabilities
  • Closed Head Injury

Some accommodations or services include:

  • Assistance with registration and scheduling
  • Contact with Vocational Rehabilitation Services and other agencies serving people with disabilities
  • Sign language interpreters, readers, or note-takers
  • Special testing arrangements (i.e. extended time, reader, or separate room, etc.)
  • Assistance with obtaining large print, taped, or Braille materials
  • Special classroom seating
  • Other Assistive Technology

Southern Crescent Technical College offers accommodations and services to assist students with disabilities to achieve their educational goals.

Student Responsibilities

To establish eligibility, students must request services by contacting the Special Services Coordinator’s Office. Students should notify the Special Services Coordinator as soon as they are accepted to ensure timely provision of services.

Students should:

  • Provide appropriate documentation for the disability
  • Provide recommendations for classroom accommodations
  • Request accommodations each semester
  • Present accommodation form to coordinator and discuss appropriate accommodations with each instructor

*Self-advocacy is encouraged.

If a student has never been evaluated to establish eligibility of a disability, or is in need of a current evaluation, the Special Services Coordinator may refer the student to the appropriate resource agency at the expense of the student, if there is a fee involved.

Disability Services Application

Special Population Survey


Requesting Services

To request services, please contact:

Eben Risper, eben.ripser@jayconscious.com

Assistant Director of Student Support Services Special Populations
Title IX/Equity Coordinator
Serving Students on the Griffin Campus,Henry County Center, and Fayette County Center.
Telephone number: 770-228-7382

Teresa Brooks, teresa.brooks@jayconscious.com

Special Services Coordinator/Sign Language Interpreter Disabilities
ADA/504 Coordinator
Serving Students on the Griffin Campus, Henry County Center, and Fayette County Center.
Telephone number: 770-228-7258

Mary Jackson, mary.jackson@jayconscious.com

Special Services Coordinator
Special Populations and Disabilities
Title IX/Equity and ADA/504 Coordinator
Serving Students on the Flint River Campus, Butts County, and the Jasper County Center.
Telephone number: 706-646-6224

A qualified individual with a disability who wants this or any 十大网赌平台推荐 publication in an accessible format should make their request known to the ADA/Section 504 Coordinator at the telephone number listed above.


It is the policy of the Federal Government (see section on ADA of 1990), Southern Crescent Technical College, and the Special Services Program that persons with disabilities are not to be discriminated upon this factor.  The confidentiality of a person with a disability is also covered by the nondiscrimination statement and must be abided to at all time.  The student is not required to show documentation of their disability to any person or office at Southern Crescent other than the Special Services Program.  The Special Services Program retains the student’s file and determines the student’s accommodations with respect to their individual disability and need.  A student’s disability is not to be shared with anyone.